Striving to Make a Difference by Learning to be Self-Sufficient
Be sure to check out our YouTube channel for additional content!
05/31/2022 - We have a new litter of bunnies posted to the Available Bunnies page!
04/06/2022 - We can finally be found on!
03/14/2022 - We are now NPIP Certified and can ship hatching eggs throughout the Continental United States! Please email for details.
12/17/2021 - We finally got our bunny page up and running! See the cuties here!
11/10/2021 - I have started reading You Can Farm by Joel Salatin. Wow! What an insightful book! I highly recommend it for anyone who dreams of owning and operating a farm. I'll link the book under the Products That We Use link at the top of this page.
I've been able to recruit my daughter to help me stage pictures of the baby bunnies for sales purposes. She really seems to enjoy interacting with the bunnies. I haven't told her yet but when I sell the bunnies, I plan to give her a cut for all of her help in the hope that I can cultivate that interest. I'll give her a bigger cut for bigger contributions. My dream is that I could eventually give over all of my cash and sweat investments to my kids and that they can have successful farm careers, independent from corporate indentured servitude.
10/25/2021 - We have 2 litters of bunnies! Thelma had her first litter of 9 mutts and Wilma had her 2nd litter of 8 pedigreed Silver Foxes. Louise was supposed to have a litter at the same time. She was bred but apparently it didn't take.
I'm currently working on fencing off the pig paddock for our 4 Idaho Pasture Pigs. The plan is to keep the two with papers as breeders (Peppa and MotoMoto). The other two will be finished off for the butcher in early spring 2022.
04/29/2021 - I didn't really get to work in the garden or any other "projects" today. The refrigerator was getting noisy because ice had built up around the copper lines going to the ice maker and the fan was hitting it. So after work work I had to go to town and find some rubberized tape to insulate the copper with and hopefully eliminate that issue going forward. The plan for tomorrow, after work, is to finish with tomato stakes and then start working on the frame ends for the hoop coop tractor.
04/28/2021 - I've been working out in the back field that is overgrown with small trees. I've been clearing them out and using what I can in the garden for tomato stakes. It's pretty amazing, the difference made with just two hours of work. I may try to set aside a couple hours a week dedicated to clearing out the overgrown areas of the property. Hopefully at some point we can get a pair of goats to do that work for me!
The chickens are growing so fast! As soon as I get the garden finished with trellises, my main focus is going to be to finish the hoop coop tractor. I'll move the meat birds into that one and give the tractor 1.0 to the egg layers so I can build them a legit run around the stationary coop.